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Research & Teaching


Published Researcher


I maintain a feminist-multicultural research agenda that predominantly focuses on sexual objectification, gender, and LGBT considerations. I publish in peer-reviewed scientific journals, such as Sex Roles, and Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.


I also do work that addresses body image, eating behavior, sexual orientation, and gender. Examples of some research publications I've written are below.


In addition to research, I serve on the editorial boards for two refereed journals including Psychology of Women Quarterly and Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.


Psychology Professor


I am an associate professor of psychology at Westminster University, a liberal arts-emphasized private university in Salt Lake City, Utah.

I teach a variety of undergraduate courses, conduct research with students, mentor students to enter graduate training, and collaborate with faculty and staff colleagues on campus initiatives.


My CV lists all of my courses taught.


​Psychological Disorders
​Psychology of Objectification
​The Science of Psychotherapy
​Methods of Counseling


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